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“Virtual Ride”

Mt. Kenya

Please bring back the “Virtual Ride” type. I and many others use it to separate outdoor from indoor rides. Thank you. 


Former Member
Not applicable

I do not use GPS at all except rarely. It now insists that every ride I do is a 'virtual ride' and it won't let me change that.

Dont take away functionality! Just had layoffs at Strava, im ready to walk away. I need virtual rides back

I've enjoyed using Strava over the past few years. I like to keep my Virtual Rides (inside rides) stats separate from my outside rides. I'm not interested in competing against anyone else. It's all about keeping track of how well I'm doing and where I can improve on a daily basis. I don't understand why there was a need to make the change in the first place. A simple fix to this issue would be to just put it back the way it was. It worked fine the way it was, Please put it back the way it was. 

I am upset now. iFIT pushed an update onto my bike...Didn’t finish. Bike is now KO. Raised a ticket with the iFIT people. Anyhow, I am making up for this with my rower, BUT this now comes up as a real row and not virtual.

can’t change into a Virtual Row. Noticed that they are also some rowing segments.. and well you know the story. Please Strava, allow me to change my Row Activity into a Virtual Row Acticity. 
thank you 

Pico de Orizaba

@Jane My last few gym bike (iFit) rides have imported as Virtual!



Amazing that isn’t it.. I have the same symptoms as you 🤪 my rides are coming in without ANY change on my use of iFIT as virtual ride. My next fight, enabling me to change a virtual row done in iFIT. It comes into Strava as a real row, but I CaNNOT change it afterwards… bummer that isn’t it 

Pico de Orizaba

Has something changed @Jane 



something HAS changed !!! Weird that isn’t it 

For me nothing change.

If someone from Strava analyzes the case reflectively, they would realize that the opposite makes sense, that is, if you do a roller activity, that you cannot change it to a normal bicycle, so as not to falsify records, just the opposite of what we are being made to falsify records unintentionally.  I have had several complaints for appearing as a KOM in sectors made with a roller.  In short, Strava shows signs of extreme inflexibility.

Pico de Orizaba

@Dash_NIOULLES "i have been tempted to finally go down the subscription route at Strava , but what’s the point now ? Maybe I will get told, pay up and this will fox your issue. "

Nope, makes no difference. I re-subscribed (after a gap of 6 months due to this issue!), but needed to track other things and it imports the same.  As Jane points out it's a file issue and STRAVA refusing to let us assign rides as Virtual manually, which I'm sure would be a 2 min fix 😕  If Strava continue to be obstinate about this only iFit can fix it by adding the TAG to the file format/API with whatever Strava is insisting.

@Jane What needs adding to the file/API.  And I mean EXACTLY in correct GPX metadata tag format?  I'm assuming the <keyword> tag?

GPX 1.0 Developer's Manual (
Optional file information in <gpx>

One thing I have noticed is iFit files are synced as TCX not GPX, so does strava do a conversion?  Could we edit the Strava GPX file to insert the required tag?

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