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What determines the ordering of activity types on my in-app Profile tab?

Pico de Orizaba

When I go to the "You" tab on the mobile app (I'm on iOS), for some reason "Walk" shows up first, followed by All Run, Run, and Bike. "Run" is set as my primary sport, so I can't think of any reason why Walk would be shown first.

I've attached a screenshot below. It seems unintuitive to me, and there's no way to change the ordering.




Thanks for the info, Dan. I cross-referenced this with our engineers and the ordering appears to be working as intended. The changes that were rolled out made it so that the order is determined by the number of activities per sport type, the more frequent and recent, the more prominent it will be in the chart. However, if you've carried out multiple activities that fall under one of the Sport Type groups (All Ride/Run-E-Sport) -- e.g. Ride and Mountain Bike Ride, then the "All Ride" category would appear before "Ride" or 'Mountain Bike Ride". Apologies for any confusion, I hope it's clear now.

If you have any feedback in regards to the way it's displayed or ordered, we're eager to hear about it and I'll be happy to pass it along.

View solution in original post



Is the number of activities considered in the ordering, over the past 12 weeks or the past 4 weeks? Thanks


I've been having this issue for quite some time now. Running is listed first on my profile, but the "Statistics" section automatically pulls in cycling first. I have no idea why. In the entirety of 2023 I recorded two cycling activities totalling just over 100km – meanwhile I ran more than 100km in December alone, and nearly 300km in the last 12 weeks of 2023.

Bizarrely this has continued into 2024. I've run 4 runs totalling 46km this year and recorded 0 cycling activities – and my profile is showing the Statistics section as simply a dash. Very jarring that it looks as if I haven't done any activity this year!

Cycling was my primary activity when I downloaded Strava in 2020, so I'm not sure if that plays a factor. I also have cycling "equipment" included but not running equipment, in case that makes a difference. Given that I mainly use Strava for running now, I'd love to be able to change the order on this. (For the record, I'm about to record a cycling activity today, so the information I've given here may not be accurate by the time someone reads this post!)

If you go to your profile page, then tap Edit, you can change your Primary Sport to running.


I've just tested it out and it changes which sport it pulls up on your Statistics depending on whether your select running or cycling as your Primary Sport.

Thanks so much, Nathan! I can't believe I spent so much time going through my profile settings and never once noticed there was an edit button, but that did the trick.

This is incorrect. My running activities in terms of distance, frequency, quantity out weigh my walking activities by about 20 to 1 yet it annoyingly defaults to walking as the primary activity. Really annoying as the walking is just commuting, not my main interest or focus on Strava. 

Pico de Orizaba

Thanks for following up, makes sense as a reasonable approach. I had one recent week with a lot of short walks, which might have biased the algorithm to bubble up Walk to the top, despite having less aggregate time over 12 weeks.

I'm not sure how to articulate a preferred solution. I don't prefer seeing Walk as the top result, but I can't deny I did a bunch of walks last week that probably tipped the scale.. it just seems a bit weird to me, since I generally actually run/bike way more than walking ( just not recently), and Run is my "Preferred" Activity Type in my settings.

Hey Soren, I'm still not sure why Walk is the first activity listed for me. I haven't been doing much walking the past month, but a ton of running.. and "All Run" still shows second, after Walk.

For example, since September 1, I've spent ~14 hrs walking over 20 activities. On the other hand, I've done ~29 hours of running (including Trail Running), over 24 activities (combined Run & Trail Run).

IMO you should really take Time Spent into account in the sorting mechanism (i spend 2x the time running compared to walking); but even if you're only looking at Count, My Run count is more than Walk..


Hey Dan,

I appreciate the feedback and I'm sorry to hear that the ordering of your personal progress chart is still frustrating. I've gone ahead and raised an improvement ticket with our developers to document this and hopefully we can make the ordering better in the near future and base it on time spent instead of activity number count.

Hi Soren, is this still the default behavior of the app? Would love to be able to select which shows first. I do log lots of walk time to Strava because of my dogs but would prefer to showcase my cycling as the first activity graph. Has there been any discussion about customization of the graphical display?

Yes, it is working as intended. 

The following idea was shared in the ideas board, and you can vote on it by clicking on the kudos icon and leave a comment if you desire:

Customize order/set default Sport Types on mobile Profile & Progress tabs