On the website you can order the club leaderboard by pace by clicking the column caption. But be aware that the leaderboard always contains only the hundred with the most distance, regardless of how you sort.
Just adding my 2c as a runner… the leaderboard shows *average* pace, right? Any reasonable coach will say that about 80% of runs should be slow / Z2 runs and only the remaining 20% speedwork. So by using the average pace as a metric, the club would promote/encourage inefficient way of training, likely also unhealthy (higher risk of injury). So it might be worth reconsidering this...
Thanks @Jan_Mantau and @Jana_S for your comments/suggestions, first of all I'm not a coach, I'm an amateur runner who created this club to encourage my colleagues to stay active and add some miles to their lives, this club is more for fun than any other reason.
My questions arose due to the fact that every Monday I publish the previous week's leaderboard, and there is a colleague who is not constantly running as a main activity, but when he does, his pace is above the group average, he complains asking why other runners from the club are showing on the weekly leaderboard, and he stays out of the picture being the fastest of the group.
So we were looking for a way to display a longer distance leaderboard and perhaps another leaderboard for the fastest of the week. Just to keep everyone motivated.