Hi @Una_D,
Thanks for reaching out. Here are some options for you to consider to get as close to your intended experience as possible:
- Make your club invite-only. This can be found on the edit page for the club on Strava.com, or through the mobile app by going to the club's details page and pressing the gear icon on the top right corner.
- Invite-only clubs only show the club's recent activity to members, limiting non-members from seeing that feed
- Hide the leaderboard and stats, also through the same gear icon on the club details screen on the mobile app. That removes the competitive component of the club.
- Set your club's sport type to 'Hiking' so that only those activity types are included
- Clubs will include activities visible to everyone and only followers of the owning athlete; only club members that follow an athlete with activities visible to their followers will see their activities in the club activity feed. Their other followers will still see those activities in other spaces, like their home feeds or other joined clubs where those activities are eligible.
- Currently, there isn't a way to show an activity in only one club while excluding it from other clubs or other surfaces. Activity privacy controls allow athletes to determine whether their activities are visible to everyone, their followers only, or themselves only.
I hope this helps you create the club experience you are looking for!