I am student of high school and i got an idea to create webpage for the students of school and basicly create competition between the classes, which class will have run most km or on bike, or hiking in some period of time. For example in January had class “name of the class” run most km, so they won.
The problem is that in my API application “the number of allowed athletes” is just one, and if I understand it correctly, i should send mail to strava so they will change it, right? So I wanted to ask if its not useless to send the mail considering the whole idea, if it makes sense? If its not just waste of time.
Also I ve seen some information about data privacy, and what i wanted to do, was to display data of the activites that the users have done and also the data of the class as whole. So display who have how much kilometers run or cycled, and then which class has how much run and cycled. I dont know if its not problem considering the rules of strava API about the data privacy and if something like agreement of data sharing is possible.
Thanks for answers and sorry if it doesnt make sense :)