Since february 27, my webhook -that was succesfully working since 2018, stopped receiving events from Strava. Nothing changed on my application side.
"id": 130673,
"resource_state": 2,
"application_id": 16505,
"callback_url": "",
"created_at": "2018-11-14T08:19:33+00:00",
"updated_at": "2018-11-14T08:19:33+00:00"
I checked everything, deleted the subscription (succesfull), and re-registered it, which fails with message GET to callback URL does not return 200.
I did all checks, verified the callback-URL, but can’t figure out the issue.
It seems that Strava -for some reason- can no longer reach the website/URL, as I’m also seeing no longer requests coming from Strava to the webserver since feb 27.
Has anyone encountered similar issues ?