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how to change back to email/password login from the One Time Login code

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@Jane I am using the Password-App on iOS/macOS, so logging in to Strava was always secure – and I have a terribly long password! With the new login procedure the use of a password manager no longer fills in automatically my email-adress. If the browser window is to small I cannot even scroll to “login with password”. That’s so annoying and bad user experience.

Please return to the old login process. You can leave an option for those who want those login codes (and want to open their email-app, look for the email, copy the code, paste it into the Strava-Website … do you get it? It takes ways longer)! BTW, I tried it and NEVER receiced an email. Even the spam-folder was empty. So it even does not work!


  • Hub Starter
  • 3 replies
  • March 12, 2025

This issue has been ignored for long enough and it really is time for someone at Strava to take a grown-up decision and to back-out the change which delivered OTC.

As a subscriber, I expect at the very minimum to be given the curtesy of consenting with an option to reject a change with this impact, not just having it imposed on me.

If I allowed dev and support to deliver user impacting changes like this with no warning and no comms in my company, people would lose their jobs...

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • March 13, 2025
rjameson wrote:

I somehow clicked okay to move to use of a one-time password to log in, but it is less convenient and requires more steps.  


how do I switch back?  There is no longer an option to change password in settings, only change email -- and I want to keep the same email.


I talked to the servicedesk and they reset my password again. I got a link from them to reset my password so its changed again for me….. so contact the helpdesk !!

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • March 13, 2025

I talked to the servicedesk and they reset my password again. I got a link from them to reset my password so its changed again for me….. so contact the helpdesk !!


  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 15, 2025

Yep, I accidentally activated OTC and hate it. need to get back to password method.


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