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No GPS and speed data in Multisport Workout


My Apple Watch multi sport workout doesn’t contain any GPS, distance and speed data when imported to Strava. Even changing the workout type to Ride (it’s just workout initially), this data doesn’t come up. While multi sport support was always bad, my last triathlons still contained the data (just showed up as one continuous workout see here for a thread on the problem It appears that sometime in the last months Strava changed to the worse by actively excluding any distance, speed and GPS data from Apple multisport and there is no sensible workaround afaik. 


Moderator Moderator

Hello @krisb 

Sorry to hear this happened! Since we don't currently support multi-sport activity types on Strava, it's usually necessary to use our split tool to split your uploaded activity and then re-catogorize each one as the correct split type. However we would expect to see speed and GPS data recorded.  

Can you confirm if you were recording with the Strava Apple Watch App?  Or were you using the Apple Health App on your Apple Watch?

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team