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Equestrian activities have, for years, seemed like an obvious gap on the platform

Mt. Kenya

I Completely agree . I include it as a walk. 


Simply add either horse riding, OR!!! a general sport type, what can be anything, and shows the GPS track, speed in km/h (not pace like running and co.) and heart rate data. All the other differentiation is just mumbo-jumbo.
Why is this so hard to understand, Strava??

I see that you add new sports, what I never ever heard about. If there would be a general sport, then all problems would be solved with that simple and easy solution.

Mt. Kenya

Please add Equestrians (Horse Riding and Carriage Driving) to the choice of activities.


An addition to my previous comment:

The ideal "general sport type" is "workout" as I see. It does what is needed, draws the track and shows the basic speed chart. (I guess HR as well, but I did not record that this time). This is enough, I think for most of the sports and users there is no need to differentiate. The name "workout" sounds weird, but basically why add any fancy names if it does the work, and fits the category.

Mt. Kenya

Hi guys, has anyone seen any updates from Strava regarding the many requests to add an   Equestrian option? 

Mt. Kenya

As a  horse rider who does endurance riding, so am out for hours training, and a cyclist (disabled so walking is not an option) I have frequently requested Strava cover equestrian activity. I used t be a Premium member for the safety beacon facility. I recorded my equestrian rides as "hiking" so as not to skew the "legend" cycling rankings as doing both things I appreciated how irritating it was to folk. I cancelled my Premium subscription and now use Equilab to track my rides for mileage and the safety beacon they offer, but track my rides via my Apple watch on Strava as though Apple show Equestrian as an option it transfers to Strava as a workout which I then edit. 

Mt. Kenya

So at what point does 'under consideration' for adding horse riding as an activity become 'we're going to action this'? Could someone from Strava give some input?

Mt. Kenya

Being able to have one app that I can have all activities on would be brilliant.  Currently I'm using 2 or 3 different apps for different activities.  I was surprised equestrian activities weren't on here.  


Mt. Kenya

Agree - equestrian should have been added years ago

Mt. Kenya

Please can you add horse riding to the list 

Mt. Kenya

Humans have been riding horses safely for at least 5,500 years and were the only means of travel and transport , except for walking, until the last 100 years or so. Riding a horse gives people of any age or gender the opportunity to enjoy exercise and the outdoors. Let’s face it you can be any age from 4 to 95. The byways, packhorse trails and bridleways were all used by horses - as were the roads. The width of the modern carriageway is still that of a Roman chariot. Wake up Strava and include horse riding and stop excluding a large chunk of people , some of whom can’t travel far because of age-related problems but are perfectly able to ride a horse

Mt. Kenya

I do lots of pleasure rides on my horse usually around 20 k and it is very frustrating not to be able to record these .   It also means that use of bridleways cannot be monitored effectively and encourages councils to put cyclists needs first as that is the only data they have . Please can you add horse riding as an activity  Thank you 

Mt. Kenya

Yes please, I mean we have sports like snowboarding and multiple varieties of biking, skating and skiing. It would be great for horse riders to be able to track rather than exporting as cycling which gets mid-quotes in stats for that activity, or swimming which I know is completely wrong but that what I have to do.

Moderator Moderator

Hello everyone!
We appreciate your enthusiasm for this suggestion. While it might seem like there haven't been recent updates on this idea, our product development process considers many factors (some of which are mentioned here). We're committed to delivering the best athlete experience, and that often means weighing various ideas against each other and fitting them into our overall roadmap. Your input is valuable and all ideas go through evaluation to ensure they align with both broader goals and our athletes' needs. We'll be sure to keep you updated as soon as there are any notable developments. Thank you for being a part of the Hub and for helping us make our product better together!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I totally agree that equestrianism whether ridden or driven should be included.