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Tuesday Chat with Team Strava - Share your 2023 Goals here!

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Happy New Year and welcome back to Tuesday Chat with Team Strava.

As we roll into 2023, the New Year is a time when many of us start to think ahead about what we want to accomplish this year, and how we’re going to get there.  Setting goals can be a powerful tool to motivate us and keep us moving.

If you’re not familiar with Strava’s goal setting features, now is a great time to give them a try!  

On the Strava Mobile App, Subscribers can set goals for all sport types.  We support time, elevation and distance goals, and they can be weekly, monthly or annual.  If you’re not sure of all the sport types we support, check them out here.  We added some new ones in 2022.

If you’re looking to set a power or segment goal, that can be done from the Strava Website.  

For me personally, I’ve been using Strava’s goal feature to motivate myself for years.  Last year, I set an annual distance goal for running and another one for cycling.  How did I do?   

Well, I met my running goal but only made it to about two thirds the distance of my cycling goal.  Disappointed at first, I spent some time analyzing this and  realized that in previous years running and cycling were my main activities, whereas in 2022 I had started doing a lot more cross training, especially strength based workouts and yoga.  And I actually feel pretty good about that - I’m happy to be learning new skills and challenging myself in different ways.  

So for 2023 I’m changing it up and setting a time based goal instead; I’ll be challenging myself to be active for at least 7 hours every week whether I’m running, walking, lifting weights, attending a boxing class or something else.  I’m excited to get started - only another 6 hours and 33 minutes to go this week!  

Do you use Strava goals?   What process do you use to determine what your goals are going to be?  If you’re comfortable sharing, we would love to hear what goals you set on Strava, and how it’s going so far.  Drop us a reply and leave your answer below.  

Thanks for tuning in today and be sure to subscribe to Tuesday Chat with Team Strava so you don't miss a post.

5 replies

  • Hub Adventurer
  • 157 replies
  • January 10, 2023

Hi Jane,

Thank you for sharing your goals!

My 3 goals for 2023 are to set a PR in the marathon, run every day, and run 3000 miles. 

I previously used the running goals feature to set my minimum weekly mileage to 50 miles per week. There were some weeks where I would run less because of the taper before a race or recovery after a race, so I stopped using the feature because I would feel disappointed when I didn't hit the goal for the week. 

Is it possible to help athletes think about systems rather than goals?

Running, cycling, walking or moving every day creates a habit. Having a way to track activity streaks on Strava helps build a system.

I shared additional thoughts here in the track activity streaks.

Thank you!


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  • Community Manager
  • 3479 replies
  • January 11, 2023

Hi @Shant 

Thanks for sharing!  Do you have a particular marathon in mind that you're planning to PR on?   I like the idea of committing to something every day, and I agree, it builds habits and consistency.  



  • Hub Adventurer
  • 157 replies
  • January 12, 2023

Hi @Jane11 

LA Marathon on March 19, 2023. 🙂

How about you?

Also, yes to habits! Running every day has been great at helping habit stack all kinds of healthy habits.


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  • Community Manager
  • 3479 replies
  • January 12, 2023


Just took a look at the route for the L.A. Marathon.  I don't know L.A. very well but I'm thinking that you get a bit of downhill when you're heading towards Santa Monica?  And hopefully some breezes when you get closer to the ocean.  Best of luck with your training for that!

I haven't registered for anything yet, but my partner is doing the New York Gran Fondo in May and I'm thinking about registering for the 50 mile version of that.  

  • Hub Adventurer
  • 157 replies
  • January 12, 2023

50 miler and NY Gran Fondo sounds awesome!

LA changed the course from Stadium to Sea to Stadium to Stars. It used to end in Santa Monica, but now because of some city permit issues, it ends in Century City (we have an uphill the last few miles looping back to Century City) 😞

Finishing in Santa Monica was perfect. I hope we can go back to Stadium to Sea. 


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