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Feedback on “Your Weekly Snapshot” feature


I’m now seeing the “Your Weekly Snapshot” at the top of my feed when using the app. I do not enjoy how this serves almost entirely to make me feel bad about my effort so far in the current week. This is detrimental to my experience on Strava. 

My training schedule each week is highly variable due to plenty of factors such as work, personal commitments, weather, etc. I should not have to see a feature telling me I haven’t been working as hard when I have been putting in more or the same amount of effort as my schedule allows. 

Please enable a toggle for this feature so we do not have to see it. 

101 replies

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • January 21, 2024

Couldn’t agree with this more. I got injured this week and when I logged in yesterday it showed me that my weekly activities are down by 6. I already knew I am not getting to run this week and did not enjoy that reminder. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • January 21, 2024

Definitely agree with this. It should be optional. Reinforces harmful behaviours 

  • Author
  • Hub Rookie
  • 3 replies
  • January 22, 2024

And to add, I’ve just completed a workout that would finally show me as improving week over week, on Sunday night, and the tracker has already reset to 0 for all categories for next week. 

This feature seems to only exist to make me feel bad about my schedule unless I front load my week at my own detriment!

  • Strava Alumni
  • 1398 replies
  • January 22, 2024

👋 Hello!
Thank you all for your feedback. Please be sure that your comments are being shared and discussed by our team. 
We appreciate all feedback and suggestions; if anyone has any additional feedback, please post it below so that it can be reviewed by our team.

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2024

Yep, really agree with this. All running training plans include down weeks/the taper and this just serves to make you feel bad about those weeks/encourage constantly pushing to increase. I find it a really annoying feature.

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • January 23, 2024

Poor implementation, as well. Red icons showing that my training volume as of Monday is lower than my volume from all of last week?  Of course it’s lower!


Another vote for, at minimum, letting the user disable this feature. Not needed and could lead to unhealthy habits. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • January 31, 2024

Would love to see this feature either go away or at least let users disable.


I agree! Please remove or allow users to disable this feature! It makes me feel bad and like I should do more activities, when I had actually some really good stats from the week. No one can continuously do more activities - but we all want to see the green mark to say we've done more. It is detrimental to the user experience and mental health.

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • February 18, 2024

Hi - adding my thoughts here. There definitely needs to be a toggle to turn it off. If I'm on my feed, I'm there to see what workouts other people have done, I don't care how my monday workout today compares to last week's monday workout, nor should it give me a red arrow if it's one minute shorter than last time, nor should it combine km from both running and cycling because they are not comparable. I don't know who this feature is targeted at. People with programs or a consistent schedule know what they've got to do this week already, and for everyone else it is VERY easy to tap across to your profile and see all those performance statistics if you wish. Most importantly, a productive training program is not progression on progression! Some weeks will be higher intensity, some will be higher volume, some involve cross-training. This widget encourages bad training habits and I don't want to see it every time I open the app.


I also agree that it is extremely silly that it always tells me in the beginning of every week that my training volume is lower than the previous week. Guess what, a bulk of my miles comes on Saturday and Sunday, so every week it tells me I am underperforming while in fact I am not! 

  • Hub Starter
  • 5 replies
  • February 23, 2024

It is depressing to see the red arrows comparing me to last week. In the spirit of improving one’s mental health through exercise, let us disable/opt out of this “feature”.

  • Hub Starter
  • 5 replies
  • February 23, 2024

it’s been a month since your reply to this. any follow ups?


I also agree with the other comments here. It's absolutely ridiculous that Strava would even think that adding something like this would be a good idea. My week-to-week training is not the same every single week and we should never always be doing more it's stupid. I'm currently marathon training and I just logged into Strava and was met by loads of red downward arrows telling me how bad I am for not doing as many miles this week. Despite the fact that tomorrow I will be doing a very long run. I didn't opt into this stupid feature but there's no way of getting rid of it. As a paying member of Strava, I really implore you to get rid of this. And ASAP. We are in the thick of spring marathon training and I'm sure other people are utterly sick of this. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • February 24, 2024

This feature was implemented in the middle of my training block for my fourth marathon and I despise it. Please give us the option to turn it off.

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • February 24, 2024

I think it should be optional to show Your Weekly Snapshot at the top of your Home Feed. It is great motivation sometimes, but others I just want to look at my feed and not be reminded I am having a recovery week and it’s all red numbers. This should be a feature that could be turned on and off in the Settings.


  • Hub Starter
  • 2 replies
  • March 14, 2024

Also wondering about a follow up. This absolutely needs an option to toggle off.

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 14, 2024

I am seconding all the comments wanting to get rid of it. I kinda don’t wanna use strava anymore because I feel sometimes I get too obsessive over it. And I know that this is just going to make that worse. And really just make it less fun. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 14, 2024

This information in the feed is annoying, anyone can go to their profile to see it in better detail.

On a screen that is small every bit of realestate is valuable. Please remove this.

  • Hub Climber
  • 14 replies
  • March 14, 2024

Perhaps a setting could be aggregated in a general "casual user" features toggle?

I'm talking about this, the positivity inflation that just oozes inauthenticity, causing a negative halo effect that pulls down all other content (scripted or user generated) with it.

For some users that motivational wording might actually be a net positive, and I guess those users are a market segment Strava hopes to grow in. But for many it's downright insulting to get a scripted "wow, awesome!" when they accidentally tracked the way back to parking, again. I'd wager that there's a lot of overlap between users who dislike the unwarranted positivity and users who dislike the weekly snapshot.

Maybe an aggregated setting that's not a simple toggle but a slider specifying "amount of motivational stuff" and then each feature that falls in the spectrum between "casual" and "serious athlete" gets an activation threshold on that slider? This would allow the preference to apply across platforms (web, app, not all motivational features exist on all platforms) and to new features. Could actually be quite liberating for the creative process of new features, instead of "will it fit the brand: yes/no" Strava teams could just ask themselves "where on the casual/serious scale do we put it"

  • Hub Rookie
  • 1 reply
  • March 14, 2024

Just received this feature, presumably as it's gradually sent out to everyone to stink up their feeds. "Ah, just what I needed to get me out and about – a third of the landing screen reminding me that I exercise in the evenings. Thanks Strava™ Product Team!". I too would appreciate the option to disable this visual chaff.

Generally a feature like this would be progressively rolled out to users to allow for course corrections. Product owners can measure engagement changes and perhaps not inflict every half-baked idea on the entire userbase. Strava is different. Strava prefers to carry every limping feature over the finish line.

"The telemetry on this is interesting .... The very first time folks see this they click on `See More` and find that it just takes them to the existing Progress tab, same as if they clicked the `You` icon. Then every time they refresh the home screen they scroll past it irritatedly, almost as though they're not interested in seeing stale content. Maybe we need to make some changes here – what if instead of a Weekly comparison, it was a Daily or Hourly comparison? Ooh ooh how about 'Your Minute In Review' so that athletes feel compelled to refresh the app repeatedly while they're recording an exercise? C'mon developers I need my engagement KPIs to SPARKLE"

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 14, 2024

For the love of all that is good and holy - take this feature right off my page or let me do it myself. It’s awful. Makes me feel lazy. I can see why you’ve done it and I imagine there are lots of people that are going to like it but you must allow us to have the choice to take it off. Really makes me feel like I’m not doing enough and I am doing plenty. 


i absolutely do not want this at the top of my feed every time i open the app. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 14, 2024

Seeing as a lot of these comments are from Jan and this only started showing up in my feed this week, someone seems to have decided that it's a good idea to roll out this feature to a wider audience. The implementation seems to remain the same, in that the app is constantly telling me that I'm under-performing as soon as I open it, because I am sticking to my training plan and more does not always equal better (except in venture capital, growth at all costs world).

It's interesting that there's no opt-out mechanism, since that means that it's not possible to get a negative signal ("users don't want this") from user telemetry. Presumably the "see more" button is instrumented and clicks on that button are interpreted as positive signal?

Either way, this seems less like a feature designed to service users' needs, and more like a feature designed to produce a KPI graph with an upward slope. It's actively making my experience with Strava and perception of the Strava brand worse, and I would love a way to disable it.

On a semi-related note, I have similar feelings to the user above about the "motivational" messages that are now tacked on to every workout upload notification. Would love a way to turn those off as well. 

  • Hub Starter
  • 1 reply
  • March 14, 2024

This is wild. Truly bewildered someone thought the feature was a good idea. Stravas priorities have clearly shifted in recent months from community building to profiteering. I'm bummed about it and hope a competitor comes soon.


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