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Ifit error


Hello, the sessions of sports shared via Ifit are wrong, for a week the difference in altitude is no longer taken into account by Strava, example, my last two sessions I did 600 meters and 600 meters of elevation gain and my two sessions on Strava display zero meters.

(NordicTrack Commercial X32i treadmill workouts) 


 that’s weird. Try the automatic sync. Link your strava to your ifit.. 


Automatic sync only works if you pay for iFit, which is way more expensive than Strava. I upload my activities manually.

I got a response from Strava support this morning saying that the issue was resolved. But I'm not sure whether that was for auto uploads, manual, or both. I'll try this out as soon as I can.

I have a paid subscription Ifit, I did a manual workout today, 10 kilometers in inclination 6% (so 600 meters of elevation gain), but on Strava it does not display


I will try a manual workout later on and keep you posted

In my tests, it's only solved for manual upload not for auto uploads (via API).

I just finished a run and no elevation with TCX file uploaded.Capture d’écran 2023-08-08 à 17.00.14.pngCapture d’écran 2023-08-08 à 17.17.02.png

Mt. Kenya

Having the same issue for every iFit workout since 7/20. Hundreds of previous imports with no issue showing elevation. Also cannot spot any differences within the TCX files. 


I open the support ticket on this issue since elevation reporting was working just fine a few weeks ago. We'll see what they say...

Hi pbarcalow,


Have you received an answer from Strava? 

This is very frustrating to lose something that used to work fine just few weeks ago. 

Hope they can give you a clue.



I've had a few emails back and forth with their support staff. Their first response asked for more information, So I gave them some old and new TCX files from iFit activities and links them the URL to this conversation here.

Their second supply was typical tier 1 treatment, saying they didn't see the issue and asked me if I knew how elevation gain worked.

I responded with more information, a screenshot, and gave them instructions on how they might be able to replicate the issue and compare to old activities on Strava. That was Friday.

It's Tuesday morning and I haven't heard back yet.