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Vastly different power numbers on Strava vs Wahoo

Mt. Kenya

Some background:

1. A ride showing 190+ average (220+ NP) on my Wahoo App shows up as below 140 on Strava.

2. Whaoo normally does not count zeros, but i turned ON that setting. So now, Wahoo should be counting the zeros same as strava

3. My max power on wahoo/strava matches.

Why could it be 50+ watts different?



Moderator Moderator

Sorry for the delay and sorry for the differences you're seeing in your activities. These data discrepancies could either be a result of the way your file is formatted or the way your device/app is choosing to analyze the data.
Another consideration is whether your device/platform uses a different method than Strava when calculating your stats. While other platforms might exclude null or 0w values in the power data, Strava does not allow you to exclude these values, and they will be included in your overall power analysis. 0w values can be a result of instances where you may not pedal when you coast downhill, for example. Null values occur when there are no power values for certain points - like if your power meter died (but not if it’s paused). Null values will be treated as 0w. One calculation isn't necessarily correct or incorrect, but we do feel we're using standards that most athletes would agree upon.
We understand our athletes use hundreds of different devices and apps and are doing our best to accurately analyze each file regardless of the differences in file formatting. We're always working to improve our athletes' experience, and we will pass this feedback along to our engineering teams.

If you feel something is off, please submit a support ticket with the details and we will investigate further.

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post


Moderator Moderator

Sorry for the delay and sorry for the differences you're seeing in your activities. These data discrepancies could either be a result of the way your file is formatted or the way your device/app is choosing to analyze the data.
Another consideration is whether your device/platform uses a different method than Strava when calculating your stats. While other platforms might exclude null or 0w values in the power data, Strava does not allow you to exclude these values, and they will be included in your overall power analysis. 0w values can be a result of instances where you may not pedal when you coast downhill, for example. Null values occur when there are no power values for certain points - like if your power meter died (but not if it’s paused). Null values will be treated as 0w. One calculation isn't necessarily correct or incorrect, but we do feel we're using standards that most athletes would agree upon.
We understand our athletes use hundreds of different devices and apps and are doing our best to accurately analyze each file regardless of the differences in file formatting. We're always working to improve our athletes' experience, and we will pass this feedback along to our engineering teams.

If you feel something is off, please submit a support ticket with the details and we will investigate further.

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I'm having the same issue

My 5 minute power for my last ride on the element app is 451 and on Strava for the same ride is only 290

Mt. Kenya

Same here,

Elemnt roam, quark powermeter or 2inpower.

i lose about 30 watts on average, especially on rides with a bigger difference in power delivery. So it seems to have something to do with counting zero’s.  

Mt. Kenya

Mine is even worse... I use assioma power pedals and they post exact wattage to my Wahoo element app but something gets lost in strava.  This morning i was at 212 avg watts on Wahoo and it posted as 11 watts as my avg power in strava. Been happening for months and keep waiting for an actual answer but so far nothing...

Hello Mate,

Did you solve your problem ? I've just bought Assioma Uno for Roam V1 and have similar problem. Element and Strava never shows the same values.



At first I would compare the moving time between the Wahoo App and Strava. Maybe Strava didn't include some sections with a high power output due to GPS problems or very slow speed.

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