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This post has been escalated to our Support team for one of the following reasons: it requires sharing personal information, the intervention of an admin, or multiple exchanges. We may also escalate to our Support team if a topic is highly complex or technical.

Not getting Qoms I've earned


 Hello fellow sport-enthusiasts, I've started cycling three years ago and discovered Qoms. I love chasing qoms and gathered about 2000 of them in the those three years.
Now *every* ride when I earn Qoms about half of them do not show up in my Qom results.
When I go on my PC to a specific segemnt on which I am the Qom I do not get it, even if my time is much lesser than the current Qom.
What I have tried so far:
- refresh results (both on the ride and on the segment page)
- wait 14 days for Strava magic to happen
- label my ride as a 'canoe-trip', refresh and turn it back to a bicycle ride and refresh
- smacked my keyboard hard to my desk

All of this does not work.
I emailed Strava and they could not help me. Just told me the 'canoe-trip-trick'.
Who has a brilliant idea?
(I have added some examples for clarification and OF COURSE my rides are 'public')

Schermafbeelding 2024-02-05 140135.pngSchermafbeelding 2024-02-05 140056.png


Hi Ian, thanks for sharing. Meanwhiele I have been communicating with the Strava helpdesk and we found out this is a Strava-error. They are working on it. Somehow the results are not being refreshed. When they manually refresh the segment, the Kom/Qom will be rewarded to the right person.
As an end-user you are not capable to refresh the results yourself.
For the time-being I can list all my 'wrong segment results' and they will manually make them right.
This untill they have found a solution.
So, there is nothing YOU can do about it.

View solution in original post



Problem is not solved, but with customer support we managed to determine that this is a Strava-error and NOT a privacy-settings issue. Strava promised to 'work on it'.

Hi QOM-addict - Congratulations on your achievements.  I have also become somewhat addicted to chasing KOMs - in my case the key is to find soft targets that not many people have noticed !  In a small minority of cases I find I have beaten the time of the KOM-holder, and have been flagged with the CR, but the old KOM-holder has kept the title.  To my understanding, the only way I could have the CR but not the KOM is if I have not declared my gender as male, however, I have declared as male (and I have many KOMs).  The issue only happens in a small minority of Segments but I don't see any pattern that might explain it.

Below is an example, where I did a time of 39s to get the CR but someone else has the KOM at 43s.  Below is the leaderboard filtered to only show men, with me at the top (so why no KOM ?).

I share this experience in case any of these anomalies are related to your issues.



Hi Ian, thanks for sharing. Meanwhiele I have been communicating with the Strava helpdesk and we found out this is a Strava-error. They are working on it. Somehow the results are not being refreshed. When they manually refresh the segment, the Kom/Qom will be rewarded to the right person.
As an end-user you are not capable to refresh the results yourself.
For the time-being I can list all my 'wrong segment results' and they will manually make them right.
This untill they have found a solution.
So, there is nothing YOU can do about it.

Have you had a response to this as I’m now experiencing the same!

Thanks for the feedback.  It seems I should make a note of the Segments that don't seem to have refreshed properly and pass it to the Strava helpdesk.

This is still an issue and it's 6 months later??? this is ridiculous Im showing as QOM on the segments... but on my results Im showing as 9th which is overall inc men ???  I have the right settings. public etc. and I am clearly showing as a female ive checked that and wouldn't be on the fastest at the top of the women if it wasnt. It's now the same on two other QOMS I have just taken as well. Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 17.02.22.pngScreenshot 2024-07-30 at 17.02.22.png

That could be very helpful information for the Strava developers as it seems that the gender sometimes isn't taken into account when calculating the activity achievements. Maybe that's the very bug they couldn't find until now. The reaction of Jane is a bit weird, as if this is your personal problem where you need help and not a Strava bug where they need help.

Hello @sammiedh 

Thanks for your post. please submit a support ticket and someone from Strava Support will get in touch to help you with this issue.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Moderator Moderator

Hello @Qom-addict 

Thanks for the reply.  I've escalated this post to Strava Support.  A Support Analyst will be in touch with you soon to troubleshoot.  Thanks for your patience.  

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team