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Forum Posts

Happy June! Come say Hi & join us in celebrating Pride 🏳️‍🌈

Hello! Thanks for stopping by! We’re almost halfway through 2024 and it’s great to see all the Community Hub members that have joined our community recently - we’re happy to have you here. June brings us many celebrations & sporting events; read belo...

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Scout by Moderator
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  • 6 kudos

Strava Athletes run faster - believe it or not! 💪

With the London marathon just finished at the beginning of October, I came across this article on the Runner’s World website which states that Strava Athletes who run the London Marathon in 2021 were faster on average than the rest of the runners par...

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Lola by Moderator
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  • 2 kudos

Resolved! Tuesday Chat with Team Strava: History of Strava - Week 2

Who invented Segments?  Long before Strava existed, cyclists were talking about their fastest times up iconic climbs. We all know “if it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen”, so how did segments originate? They were invented by one of Strava’s co-found...

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Soren by Denali
  • 7 replies
  • 17 kudos

Resolved! Tuesday Chat with Team Strava: History of Strava - Week 1

The idea of Strava was first conceived of in the mid 1990s, by our co-founders Michael Horvath and Mark Gainey, but it wasn’t until 2009 that they officially founded Strava as a website for cyclists to map their rides. We’ve come a long way since the...

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Jane by Moderator
  • 4 replies
  • 20 kudos

Hey Strava Family, Welcome Home! (October)

Hey! First, I want to thank you for visiting our Strava Community Hub. This is a space where athletes are able to meet and treat each other like Family. As your Family Member, I would like to say Welcome Home! My name is Bryant and here are a few thi...

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Bryant by Moderator
  • 2 replies
  • 14 kudos


Do you prefer exercising in the heat or cold? I'd pick the heat any day. I'm simply not a fan of freezing my fingers, toes, nose and eyeballs off. How about you? Comment below if you prefer being  = hot or  = cold.      

Soren by Denali
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How do you beat the heat?

So, my wife and I like to get out and run, but with the summer sun and humidity, it can be hard to get outside and not just feel like we are melting.  We try to run first thing in the am (before it gets too hot), but that is when the humidity here is...

Introducing Tuesday Chat with Team Strava!

Hello Community Members, We’re excited to announce that starting next week, Tuesday October 4th, we’ll be starting a weekly series:  Tuesday Chat with Team Strava. Tune in every Tuesday for interesting and fun topics, some trivia questions, and a cha...

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Jane by Moderator
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Community Hub Just Hit a Milestone!

Hello everyone     Since the Community Hub started its journey, in the last two months we have seen: 1,412 posts57,723 page views1,758 kudos given   This Monday, we hit another milestone. Around 3.30 am PT, our Community Hub got its 1000th member - w...

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Lola by Moderator
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Hey Strava athletes, let's get to know each other! (September)

Hello! Thanks for visiting the Strava Community Hub.  I'm Jane and here's a few things about me: I'm originally from Canada (Alberta) but I've been a  U.S. resident for a while and have lived in California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York.I've ...

Jane by Moderator
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Park rangers tracking Strava?

A friend of mine received a ticket from the town for riding a small section of trail that is apparently off limits to bikes. He rode very early in the morning and encountered no one. When he called the town to ask why he was ticketed they told him th...

Abushpig by Mt. Kenya
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