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Forum Posts

Resolved! Strava Oauth Deauthrization

Hi,I'm trying to deauthroize a user using the following two links but it seems to be sending me back errors: - Page doesn't exist - {"message":"Record Not Found","errors...

Resolved! Email missing in the athlete profile.

I called Strava API to connect the athlete with my app, I need some required information about the athlete. Email is the first priority of them, but I can't see the email of the athlete. I already tried with the all of scope but still I don't see the...

Wrong data uploaded

I noticed that strava is uploading different data then i have on my watch or on my bike. Is that normal ? I guess its not. Regards,Alen 

AlenCRO by Mt. Kenya
  • 2 replies
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Resolved! Cannot create app - Something went wrong error message

I'm trying to onboard to start using the Strava API for personal use and I'm stuck at literally step 1.Reading the documentation here, it says:Any registered Strava user can obtain an access_token by first creating an application at https://www.strav...

estenger by Mt. Kenya
  • 3 replies
  • 5 kudos

Resolved! time in data stream not starting at 0

My app does not handle the datastreams well if time does not start at 0. Some activities of other users have this issue. I have not been able to get this on one of my own activities.How can i replicate this in an activity to test and handle the error...