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How to remove/mute "motivational" messages from Strava


Since a few weeks ago Strava is at it again with pushing "features" down your throat. Now among the notifications for an activity I have to read Strava's stupid "motivational" messages (you're doing great, keep at it, da da da). Anyone can help me get rid of those?




Moderator Moderator


Thanks to everyone who has commented and provided feedback.  The testing phase is completed and these notifications are now in production. 

While this cannot be completely disabled, you do have the ability to disable the push notification. Push notifications are "pushed" to your mobile device when the Strava app is either closed or running in the background.

This can be turned off by going to:

You Tab
Settings (top right)
Push Notifications
Un-toggling Device Activity Synced

The push notification settings do not affect the in-app notifications you receive in the mobile app or on the Strava website. 

Again, we appreciate the feedback and it has been passed along to the Team.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

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111 REPLIES 111

Thank you for your reply, and sorry for the rant. However, it's not the first time Strava does this type of stuff. I, together with HUNDREDS of other users, started many threads asking/begging for Strava to let us choose to see our own activities when we get on the app/site and not the activities of everyone we are following. The logic for that is that, right after we upload an activity, we want to see our performance/achievements and not scroll through the activities of all other people to get to ours. Strava ignored this basic and multitudinous request for YEARS and maintained the "Facebook-type" of approach to push (shove) social interaction on its platform. It was only a year or so ago that Strava finally changed that. In the meantime I got off the premium subscription for almost two years (now I'm back).

I hope you listen to your customers more in the future - especially the paying ones!


Scout the tuning of notifications in Strava does NOT allow you to specially turn this annoying 'feature' off. Does Strava send out the same glib notices to pro athletes? I can see where some beginners might find the notifications cheerful, but I doubt that's Strava's core audience. I'm really surprised something like that could be implemented without the ability to disable it. 

First, when you add a feature like that, please always add an option to turn it off.

Second, this service is for adults. Many of us are serious athletes. I've been with Strava for a decade. I don't suddenly need to receive kudos from Strava for every activity I upload. I've uploaded more than 3000 of them already, so please stop this nonsense. 


Yes. Remove this insult. A motivational message from a bot to people struggling to find enough time to exercise as much as they want is incredibly insulting. You are insulting your paying customers.

@Scout - Add me to the list of those who would like this REMOVED or at least add an option for people to opt out.  Once again, Strava has thought that they know what we want more than we do.  Why does Strava insist on adding new "features" without providing a way for us, the ones who pay you, to turn off or disable?  

Just to make sure it gets counted .... irritating beyond belief!  Get rid!

Nobody likes spam, this useless feature is drowning out any relevant notification I might get from a real social interaction. Zero added value, you should fire the persons involved.

Please make them optional. I don't want or need them. If notifications will be coming that way, they will all go off.



An option to remove these would be fantastic. First one was funny as I was had just taken 3 weeks off before launching back into training, but they have quickly become another notification I don't need/want. I am hoping the dev team adds an option to disable these. Cheers.

Yes, please remove this or at least provide a way to opt out. Please update community when done. Thank you