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How to remove/mute "motivational" messages from Strava


Since a few weeks ago Strava is at it again with pushing "features" down your throat. Now among the notifications for an activity I have to read Strava's stupid "motivational" messages (you're doing great, keep at it, da da da). Anyone can help me get rid of those?




Moderator Moderator


Thanks to everyone who has commented and provided feedback.  The testing phase is completed and these notifications are now in production. 

While this cannot be completely disabled, you do have the ability to disable the push notification. Push notifications are "pushed" to your mobile device when the Strava app is either closed or running in the background.

This can be turned off by going to:

You Tab
Settings (top right)
Push Notifications
Un-toggling Device Activity Synced

The push notification settings do not affect the in-app notifications you receive in the mobile app or on the Strava website. 

Again, we appreciate the feedback and it has been passed along to the Team.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post

111 REPLIES 111

… or the developers type Ctrl-Z; problem solved, everybody happy

Enough with the condescending bot motivation push notifications, irritating, like congratulating an infant for farting

Best comparison in this thread. Congratulations, you're earning kudos from fellow toddlers, like me

Plus one to everyone else. We’re athletes, not school children. Please turn off the patronizing messages.


Your reply sounds a little tone deaf, to say the least (basically, we heard all of you and we've decided not to do anything about your request). How does your reply even qualify as an "Accepted Solution"?! It's neither! First, you didn't solve the problem, and second, nobody that I can see "accepted" it in the dozens of replies to this thread. In fact you haven't got a SINGLE kudos on your proposed "solution" - that should be a hint.

I guess Strava has done the math and you're getting more money through that feature (somehow) that you're losing from people like me. What's really a pity is that you could get both (so all the money/not lose any revenue) if you were only a bit more flexible. Why are you so obtuse and bent over FORCING these things on PAYING customers. Can it be so difficult to add the functionality to get these messages or not when there's already tons of places in the app to do basically the same thing (customize the interface/experience, specifically the messages)? You'd just add one more line/toggle switch. Just baffled...

I just canceled my paid subscription with this message:

Hate "Motivational" notifications after uploading an activity. Many PAYING customers are asking you to AT LEAST give us the option to turn off this FEATURE but you keep ignoring us. I'm not going to pay to be annoyed every time I upload an activity. I'm fed up. This time I'm going to re-work how I get the same features I was using here through a combination of other apps that I've tried and I use on and off.

These are so annoying. I know when I have done an activity, I don’t need a reminder from Strava. Maybe Strava should ask their users what we want. Turn this spam off please.

I am cancelling the subscription portion of my account when it is up for exactly this reason.

@Jane - So Strava's solution is to blatently ignore all of their paying customers?  Wow.  The push notifications are the only way most of us know whether or not our activities uploaded which is increasingly necessary due to the glitchy-ness of the program.  All we want is a simple "your activity has been uploaded".  That's it.  Why can't there be two different sets of push notifications, one for basic confirmation of upload and another for the 3rd graders who need the extra encouragement?  What was the point of the testing phase if you were already planning to completely ignore the responses?  Did you actually get ANY positive feedback from that?

I'm not sure why would anyone need to know if it was successfully uploaded, wouldn't it be better get notification only when it failed to upload or when require user interaction? Again, every single type of notification should have an option to turn it off, it's should be a law.

How would it know to notify you if it failed to upload?  It is not uncommon for an activity to not automatically sync from a watch or other device for whatever reason (lack of wifi or cell service, etc...).  There is no way for something like Strava to know that something was not sent to them in the first place.  The only way the user would realize it would be to go back into their account and double check after every activity just to make sure it loaded.  It was nice to get the simple "your activity was uploaded" or whatever it was (you could toggle the notifications on or off if you wanted it, so no harm if you preferred to not get them).  Those I feel were good and fine, especially since you could turn off the notifications if you chose to not want them.  These "new" childishly motivating ones are super annoying.