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Remove "walks" from running challenges and expand challenges for walks


Walks have been added to running challenges as of January 2024 and as a person who does both run and walk acitvities as separate sports, this has ruined the experience of challenges in the app for me, and in general.

My walks are no counting towards running challenges which rightly used to be separate. They are separate sports.

I found an idea here from last year where somebody requested the opposite and now it has been implemented. From their point of view, they were lesser abled and some walks "felt" like runs to them, which i acknowledge - however, the solution there is ti simply record a running workout on your device, not a walk.

To improve the experience for walkers then more 5k, 10k and monthly mileage challenges can be set up to keep it interesting. 

Last year I really enjoyed tracking my walking challenge and sepaately doing the running challenges. 

Now there are fewer challenges in total which seems like the app is getting worse, not better.

Also importantly need to point out that runs are not included in the walking challenges.... I guess that's the real punchline to this joke.


130 REPLIES 130

Pico de Orizaba

totally agree!!!


@Scout @Jane - are you people listening?  How many more new posts asking to separate walk and run challenges are you going to have to merge with this one before you do something about it?  You took an idea that had a whopping 6 kudos and ran with it, yet you seem to ignore this side of the discussion that has far more support?  If you want us, the people who pay your paycheck, to feel like this community hub actually does something, you need to show us.  As it stands, it sure looks like this forum is just a suggestion box you never bother to open.  

Lol’ing at the phrase “ran with it.” Doubt anyone working for Strava actually runs based on their recent decisions…

Mt. Kenya

Why has waking been included in the running running challenge?  There is a separate challenge for walking.  This has spoilt the whole monthly challenge.

Mt. Kenya

I think we need to separate running and walking as those are totally different activities and require absolutely different amount of training, commitment and body stressing. Not ignoring people with the special health conditions, I would say that they are different and there should be just more challenges and badges introduced. But running is running. 


@Scout - can you explain why you ignore your customers?  You took a suggestion that had a whopping 6 kudos and added "walks" to the running challenges.  You have suggestions with many, many times that number of kudos with extremely valid reasoning behind them requesting you remove walks from running challenges, both from walkers and runners, yet you have totally ignored them.  You went ahead and included walks again for the February running challenges.  What are you thinking?  Can you explain ANY reason why Strava would stick with this concept?  What is our motivation to propose and "kudo" ideas when it is obvious you don't pay ANY attention to them.  You provided this community hub, now it is time to live by it.  


Cannot believe that as February rolls around this still hasn't been fixed

Clubs on Strava 

you can’t have the cheek to talk about running challenges and include walks. You’ve not even changed your description. 
Now I can see more people annoyed than happy walkers. 

look at what YOU wrote 

« February Run 100K Challenge

"Going the distance" doesn't mean it has to happen all at once. Break our longest cumulative running challenge up into two, ten, or twenty activities - whatever it takes to reach that »


Mt. Kenya

Just seen this info I also wondered where the 200k and 300k challenge had gone, think it’s time to just scrap my Strava subscription and just use my Garmin app🙁

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