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The Hub is now in read-only mode as we make improvements to the Hub experience. More information is available here.

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Clubs are a great way to bring your friends, family and community members together. Clubs can also be used by businesses, brands and organizations to connect with those interested in their product or service. You can check out Strava’s Club here.

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Whether you are getting ready to create your own club, or you already have your own club, we know you may have some questions. We’ve put together some of the most commonly asked questions to help you with your club. Let's get started!

Q: Why am I not seeing all activities on the club leaderboard?Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 9.41.54 AM.png
A: Only activities that match a club's sport type(s) will be included in the club's leaderboard. Only activities that match a club's sport type(s) will appear on those leaderboards and club feeds. EX: Only rides will appear on the leaderboard for Cycling clubs and only Runs (not walks or hikes) will be included on the leaderboards for Running clubs. Clubs using the sport type 'Multisport' will include all sport types available on Strava in both leaderboards and club feeds. Note: you can edit the sport type at any time. 

Q: How can I see my clubs monthly stats?
A: At this time, this is not possible. Clubs are designed to track members' progress on a weekly basis. Leaderboards reset at 11:59 pm on Sunday in the club's specified time zone. We will use the timezone set in your profile to place your results on the leaderboard which may cause discrepancies if your timezone differs from the clubs.
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Other than the 'Last Week' leaderboard on club pages on, we do not store historical data. Club leaderboards in the mobile app only report data for the current week and include aggregate club activity data. We know that some clubs would like to see daily/monthly and yearly stats and you can find these ideas have been posted in the community hub. You can show your support for these ideas by navigating to this page and clicking on the kudos button. 

Q: Can I create a club challenge?
 Club challenges are not available at this time, however, you can create a club event. If you would like to see club challenges, you can add your kudos to this idea on the Community Hub. 

Club EventClub Event

Q: Can I view my previous club events?
A: Club events are removed from the club page after the start time of the event has passed. However, if you bookmark the event's permalink, you will be able to navigate back to the event's page after it disappears from the club page.

Q: What is an invite only club?
A: Athletes must request permission to join an invite-only Club. Only admins can approve new Club members. Recent activity, club announcements, discussions, and private group events will be hidden from non-members. You can make your club invite-only at any time.
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Can I change the photo on my club?
Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 9.36.02 AM.pngA: Yes, if you are a club owner or admin you can upload the club photo. Please follow these steps to upload/change your club photo:   
1.  Log into
2. Find your club on the right side of your dashboard or profile page
3. Once you are on the club page, click on the "+" icons to add a photo to each frame
4. Click "Choose File" and upload the image to be displayed
5. Click "Save Changes"
(Please note: All Club cover photos displayed on the web will be cropped to some extent. This is because we cut the image at mobile ratio which results in the web image having part of top and bottom hidden. On mobile, the displayed dimension is 1185x580px and on the web it is 1185x393px. Accepted file types include JPG and PNG)

Q: Can I transfer ownership of a club to another person?             
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A: Yes, if you are the owner of a club, you can manage both club admins and members as well as transfer ownership. Admins can manage members and other admins, except for the club owner. Administrators can approve membership requests, promote other members to administrator, revoke admin status (including their own), and remove club members. Hover over a member's name to reveal these options.

Ready to create a club? Check out this post. Have additional questions? Post them below and the Strava Community can help you out!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Добрый день! Я понимаю что на нас действуют санкции. Но Спорт должен быть без политики и войны. Пожалуйста разрешите всем пользователям пользоваться подпиской и смотреть свои достижения в Итогах года. Спасибо! С наступающим Новым 2024 годом и желаю всей команде Здоровья, Счастья, Спортивных достижений и Всех благ! С уважением к Вам пользователь Vitaliy-57 Russia

TRANSLATION: Good afternoon I understand that sanctions apply to us. But Sport should be without politics and war. Please allow all users to subscribe and view their achievements in the Year in Review. Thank you! Happy New Year 2024 and wish the whole team Health, Happiness, Sports achievements and All the best! With respect to you, user Vitaliy-57 Russia

Moderator Moderator

Hey @Vitaliy-57 
Thank you for your post. At this time, there are no planned changes to services in Russia. We realize that this war is the decision of Russia’s leadership and not its citizens, and we look forward to the day when we can welcome back all athletes to the platform. For more information, please click here.

We appreciate your feedback and I will share this with the team. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

Is there a limit to how many athletes can join my club?

Moderator Moderator

Hey @hbaker68
Thanks for your post! At this time we do not have a club member limit. However, if your are the owner/admin of a club that is private, you have the ability to approve or deny all join requests. Public clubs can be joined by any Strava athlete. I hope that helps!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya


I have a running club but it tracks Leaderboard weekly, while my group wants to view who runs most monthly. How can I change it from Weekly to Monthly view?

Moderator Moderator

Hey @hieuphanSZ

 At this time, this is not possible. Clubs are designed to track members' progress on a weekly basis. Leaderboards reset at 11:59 pm on Sunday in the club's specified time zone. We will use the timezone set in your profile to place your results on the leaderboard which may cause discrepancies if your timezone differs from the clubs.


Other than the 'Last Week' leaderboard on club pages on, we do not store historical data. Club leaderboards in the mobile app only report data for the current week and include aggregate club activity data. We know that some clubs would like to see daily/monthly and yearly stats and you can find these ideas have been posted in the community hub. You can show your support for this idea by navigating to this page and clicking on the kudos button. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya


Have a question regarding negative comments from followers, what is the best way to deal with that? Most of the comments are regarding to custom service questions and the goal is to response under the brand's name. Any tips? Do we create a separate account to deal with only comments. 

Mt. Kenya

Is there a way to select the activity types that appear in a club, e.g walking/hiking/running/cycling and weight training but discount anything else?

Moderator Moderator

Hey @delliepop
Thanks for your post and sorry to hear about this issue with your club. There are a few options for what you can do.  

  • As an admin, you can delete the posts in question. You can do this via web or the mobile device. 
  • You could also make your club 'invite only'. This will give you the option to remove the athlete, and then block them through their individual profile. However, this will not work if you prefer to have a public club.
  • You could also try to connect with the person that is posting the negative comments via DM and try to work this out directly with them. 

I hope this helps!

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Moderator Moderator

Hey @maxxwillcox
Thanks for your post. At this time this is not possible. There is an existing idea over on our ideas board that is requesting that only certain activity types appear in the club feed:  Choose qualifying activities for Clubs
You can show your support for this idea by clicking the kudo icon. 

Scout (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

Mt. Kenya

I received an email from someone requesting to join my private club, similar to other emails I've received from members asking to join.  But I don't see his request when I go to the club page.

Mt. Kenya

Once I post an event within my Strava club is there a way to send a message or notification to all who have RSVP-ed? Such as sending a reminder to bring water or parking info?

Mt. Kenya

I am an owner of a club and want to transfer the ownership. Can anyone explain the steps how to do that? I am reading its possible but don't see how. Hovering over names doesn't work so what is the correct way to do this?

Thanks for your help, cheers Gino


Mt. Kenya

Currently only one of my rides shows up in my club leaderboards for this week even though both are rides and are therefor the exact activities that should count towards the club boards. I have read all of the other reasons they wouldn't show up and none apply. Is there another explanation for this??

Mt. Kenya

When I click on the "groups" menu, all the clubs I am a member of appear as well as the club I have created.  When other clubs create a new event or new post, I am notified with an orange bell that says "new post" and the title of the event or post is also listed in orange.  However, when I create new activities/posts for my club, there is no orange notification.  Is there a setting I am missing or am I just not seeing it because I am the owner/admin of the club page?


Why would you need a notification if it was you who created the post?
