The Hub is now in read-only mode as we make improvements to the Hub experience. More information is available here.
At the time of setting up my api application, I added 1 in Number of athletes allowed to connect and Number of athletes currently connected. How can I change this. As I am trying to use the app its giving me error - Error 401: Limit of connected athl...
Hi!, since lasta day when I insert data like this:NP:190.1W AVG:168.1W 146.3ppm 31.3Km/hOn database the data are correct inserted (When they are edited they come out correct), but when the description is visualiced, is showed this:NP: AVG:I tried los...
Hi Developers,I use to Strava and I'm stayng very irritade when I search to achive a record, but someone use an e-bike, motorcyce or a vehicle and get the better results in the segment.I dont work in the Strava company, but you could create a rankin...
URL Used to authorize: I get their code as response, the count of registered users doesnt inc...
I am a researcher who would like to do research, analysing naturalistic data in Strava communities only through online observations and participation in the community as a community Strava member.We will disclose to the community members the presence...
So I lately I have been hearing lot about Glance and it's features and how cool is this Glance thing is but to be honest I think this is overhyped and overrated thing do any of you guys use this give me your honest review for and let me if it's worth...
Heya,We are an app that rewards people to record their commutes with Strava. In our app we ask the user where are they going to, and then check if they made it there.Often people then hide their activity start and end points, and are app cannot deter...
I'm trying to analyse how much time an athlete spends in a specific power zone based on athlete's zone.When pulling an activity with "getZonesByActivityId" the distribution_buckets values do not match the athlete zones, they are just fixed buckets 0-...
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