Resolved! Strava API not returning steps
Hi, I uploaded an activity to Strava via iPhone app. However I'm not seeing the steps or cadence data in the Strava API (athlete activities API, single activity API). How do I get this number (1126)?
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Hi, I uploaded an activity to Strava via iPhone app. However I'm not seeing the steps or cadence data in the Strava API (athlete activities API, single activity API). How do I get this number (1126)?
Hello Strava team,I am facing the issue with getting the all needed activities from the club using HTTP request: an example please take a look at the user: Krzysiek | Szop |...
Hey guys. Is there any way to get active calories using Strava API (or even as regualr user in strava app)? Like they have it in Garmin. Looks like Strava doesn't do thatIf not, is it proper way just to do something like 0.9 * calories? But this way ...
Hi there, i´m just trying out a bit the Strava API to explore whats possible. I recently stumbled across the endpoint to list all users activities. I have tried this myself, but found that there is a limit of retrieving only the last recent 200 activ...
When i am trying to connect more than one athletes.I got a error Error 403: Limit of connected athletes exceeded.I checked my settings i saw that no of athletes allowed to connect - 1.Its a issue because of athletes limit or my side.If athletes limit...
Hi, API sends strange laps data via getLapsByActivityId for short activities (less than 5km) with incorrect start_index and end_index of each lap.For example, lap is equal 1km.API for it returns...
When calling to obtain the code and scope, pull up the page according to the Android Sample code in the document. Then click "Authorize" on the page and "Request Failed" will pop up like this: When I...
I want to integrate Strava api to my web application and any users can connect via my application and I want to get some information on connected users by using their access token.This is my requirement. I have few doubts listed below : 1.Is any opti...
Initally I'm getting the first Authorization with GET - -> scope = activity:read_all using the access token and storing the refresh token.Now I'm getting the activities GET
I have a React/NestJS based app that used to work well but since a few weeks the requests to the Strava API are not working anymore... I first noticed it with requests to create push subscriptions and to get a user access token, both of them are sent...
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