Devices and Connections
Tracking your progress and reaching your goals, one activity at a time. Whether it's troubleshooting an existing device or looking into purchasing something new, find the insight you need from athletes just like you.
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Forum Posts

Heatmap filters in Android app

Is there any way to filter activities included in the global heatmap in Android app ? This would be useful as when I'm riding a bike I don't want to see ski trails.Also should the personal heat map be working in Andoroid app ? Currently it says that ...

PaavoN by Mt. Kenya
  • 3 replies
  • 6 kudos

Resolved! Map scaling and centring faulty since update

I am glad the issue with 3D mapping was fixed rapidly, however, live tracking/mapping is still faulty: The 2D map has only one scale for tracking. If you pinch to zoom out the blue dot stops scrolling and the map has to be constantly repositioned. Pr...

Why doesn't Strava work properly!

I downloaded Strava with one intention. To beat my brothers time to hike up Ben Nevis. I Paid the annual subscription and I drove to Scotland. My brother and I had walked up a few weeks before that and ranked 5th fastest without really pushing. So we...

Resolved! Strava WearOS with external HR monitor

Unsure if this is available in WearOS 3 as I haven't received the update yet. But in the current version, it would be very handy to link the HR to an external monitor (chest straps/forearm straps) as getting HR reads from the watch (wrist) is inaccur...

Elihu by Shkhara
  • 1 replies
  • 2 kudos

Fitness Tracker

Just curious what you're using and why you like it ... I have the Apple Watch 6. It's cool. Nothing to rave about. I mainly track strength training, HIIT, walks and hikes. Only been swimming with it a few times. It pairs nicely with the Apple Health ...

Resolved! Climbfinder

Hi Guys, have just found and joined the Climbfinder website, which is well worth using and exploring, I was very sorry to see however that Strava currently does not sync with Climbfinder. The team at Climbfinder tell me this is because Strava are cur...

Garmin Running Dynamics

I use a Garmin HR strap that records running dynamics (GCT balance etc) these are all written into the .FIT file that Garmin export to Strava on completion.It took Strava a while, but they were eventually able to grab the HR data from these addons, s...

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