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How to remove/mute "motivational" messages from Strava


Since a few weeks ago Strava is at it again with pushing "features" down your throat. Now among the notifications for an activity I have to read Strava's stupid "motivational" messages (you're doing great, keep at it, da da da). Anyone can help me get rid of those?




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Thanks to everyone who has commented and provided feedback.  The testing phase is completed and these notifications are now in production. 

While this cannot be completely disabled, you do have the ability to disable the push notification. Push notifications are "pushed" to your mobile device when the Strava app is either closed or running in the background.

This can be turned off by going to:

You Tab
Settings (top right)
Push Notifications
Un-toggling Device Activity Synced

The push notification settings do not affect the in-app notifications you receive in the mobile app or on the Strava website. 

Again, we appreciate the feedback and it has been passed along to the Team.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post

111 REPLIES 111

This isn’t a solution. I used to have a premium subscription - and gifted them to several other people. I cancelled a while ago because of your tone-deafness. Sad to see that’s still present.

"While this cannot be completely disabled, you do have the ability to disable the push notification."

Why not? When I take a bike ride, (often including several parts), the app on my phone logs it - and each time I Save, it has always uploaded that "activity" within a few minutes to your system. Then, the next time that I open the app, I discover that I have a load of (overexcited) auto notifications.

I appreciate that some people, with different device setups, might find the notifications useful, if their activities don't always upload - but they are literally an irritation to me. How are they benefiting you and your users - especially given that the push ones can be turned off, so it can't be to get people to open the app more often? Why are you determined to keep them compulsory?

Dear Jane @strava - please listen to your members, i like many do not like your patronising in-App Kudos, please turn this off or risk losing another paying subscriber.   

Anyone from Strava actually reading these comments by people paying your wages? Nobody wants these stupid messages EVERY activity, no matter how frequent or how insignificant the activity might be. Longest ever walk/hike/ride deserves a WOW!! Your great!! But maybe not a gentle stroke in the park. You are clearly upsetting a lot of users for the sake of a SIMPLE TICK BOX “Disable Motivational Messages”… hard can it be? 

This is not a solution. 

@Janeany updates on this?

No one is motivated by a bot notification!  Strava should eliminate these incredibly annoying messages!

Hi Jane. Can you share anything about the team's plans to do (or not do) anything about this? I can't imagine anybody being positively impacted by having their notification list filled/cluttered with this computer- generated (and therefore disingenuous/fake) "encouragement".

I don't really use the social features of Strava, so when somebody does occasionally give me kudos/comment, I'm quite keen to return the favour so that I don't appear rude. Because I typically ignore what others are doing on here by default, I won't know if I don't see the notification.

These automated messages have destroyed my ability to see when I've got something I feel ought to respond to. They're also "training" me out of checking notifications, which can only have a negative impact on the "stickiness" of Strava, as it will reduce the number of interactions less active users have with fellow riders.

On a more personal note, I'm just returning to cycling after a long injury, so I'd let my subscription lapse. I can't see myself paying for it again if I keep having to read this patronising automated messaging. I'd recommend that you disable it, but presumably its impact has been A/B tested? Who knows what you'll have found there, but please, give those of us for whom it's highly irritating a way out. Cheers.

I think you misunderstood the original question. We need to be able to opt out of motivational messages spam.

I would also like to add my voice to those who find the in-app “motivational” notifications annoying.  There needs to be a way to disable these.