Strava Features Chat
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Forum Posts

Resolved! creating my own challenge

I am about to celebrate 60 YO, and want to create a challenge for myself (1963km in 60 days) is it possible to create such a challenge on Strava where the app counts my km within the time frame?  Thank you all 

Jonrind by Mt. Kenya
  • 5 replies
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Resolved! Ads vs. Subscriptions

Hi Strava Team,Why not offer users a choice between a free version (with ads) vs. a paid subscription (no ads) like Spotify/YouTube?I want to share this in order to start a conversation and see what the community and Strava think. This is coming from...

Shant by Denali
  • 5 replies
  • 13 kudos

Strava should enable gift subscriptions again states:"For the time being, we have removed the option to gift a subscription to an athlete. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patien...

ron_anejo by Mt. Kenya
  • 51 replies
  • 175 kudos

Resolved! Be able to change currency for a subscription

If you live / stay in one country (say France - Euro) and then move to another country  (say UK - sterling) ; and you have a subscription, and you want to change the subscription currency from Euro to the local one (in this case sterling) , you can’t...

hjvelo by Mt. Kenya
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Resolved! From member to non member

1 question : if I cancel my subscription in Strava from member to non member can I keep my data and pictures? 2 question : without the subscription does the map mode can be activated in order to find my ways?

Resolved! Problems with google play subscription

The price increase in google play cannot be confirmed. As soon as the pop-up dialog "confirm identity" appears, nothing else happens. Tried with multiple browsers (chrome, firefox, edge, opera) and devices (Windows PC and Android).

Resolved! How do i merge two accounts?

hi i want to merge 2 accounts which i have . One of them is already active and i upload there all my activities . I pay to activate my account from my mistake to an other with i make with my another mail. How i can merge these 2 accounts because i do...

Resolved! My Strava Paid subscription will not show up on my Iphone

My Strava Paid subscription which I have for over 5 years does not show up on my Iphone. The Iphone only shows FREE subscription. What that means is NONE of my rides will show up or most of my followers on the Iphone will not show up on my Iphone App...

RMPRR by Mt. Kenya
  • 1 replies
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Resolved! More features for Premium members

I was a free user for a couple years, and decided to upgrade when features were taken away from me, I am sure in an effort to convert users to pay, that makes good business sense.  After being Premium for two years, I would like to see my membership ...