Strava should add an immediate cap so users cannot follow new athletes above the limit unless they first unfollow athletes. (Yes, I agree 2,000 accounts are a lot. Yes, I should have unfollowed some athletes sooner. But, why are we allowed to go above 2,000 if that is the limit?)
The issue is that the sudden decrease in accounts I follow creates a bad user experience.
Just today I noticed my family and friends were automatically unfollowed. My cousins who are new to Strava this month and new friends I made over past years may have seen this and wondered why I unfollowed them. I texted them when I noticed and explained why I had to request a refollow.
Ultimately, I don't even know who I lost above the 2,000 because it looks like I lost friends I had added two years ago arbitrarily.
If Strava caps it at 2,000 athletes, Strava should stop me from following more athletes unless I first unfollow some athletes. When it allows me to go above 2,000 limit and it automatically purges accounts on an arbitrary date in the future, this creates a bad user experience. This requires me to explain what happened to family and friends. Please don't let us go above 2,000 athletes limit if it is the rule. Enforce it immediately not on a random date without notice. Thank you! (p.s. I solemnly swear that I will not go above 2,000 ever again)
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