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How to remove/mute "motivational" messages from Strava


Since a few weeks ago Strava is at it again with pushing "features" down your throat. Now among the notifications for an activity I have to read Strava's stupid "motivational" messages (you're doing great, keep at it, da da da). Anyone can help me get rid of those?




Moderator Moderator


Thanks to everyone who has commented and provided feedback.  The testing phase is completed and these notifications are now in production. 

While this cannot be completely disabled, you do have the ability to disable the push notification. Push notifications are "pushed" to your mobile device when the Strava app is either closed or running in the background.

This can be turned off by going to:

You Tab
Settings (top right)
Push Notifications
Un-toggling Device Activity Synced

The push notification settings do not affect the in-app notifications you receive in the mobile app or on the Strava website. 

Again, we appreciate the feedback and it has been passed along to the Team.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post

111 REPLIES 111


@Jane - why are you "accepting" one of the generic responses from another Strava admin as a "solution"?  This issue is not solved in any way shape or form.  Please don't try to stash it away under the "solved" category.  Strava needs to make these things optional, not force them down our throats like you do every new "feature".  Every time you try to make this a social media platform, you get the same kickback.  Please learn!  These features are fine IF you give the means to opt in/out of them so we, the paying users, can determine what we want to see.  

@Jane, what patronizing messages does Strava give to Eliud Kipchoge? "Way to go, you're on your way to completing a marathon", "Great 5K effort, keep it up", "You're the Local Legend of the Berlin Marathon". Does Jonas Vinegaard get "Nice you've completed another 1,000km this week, keep going", or "Looking strong on that climb, remember to rest", or "Don't forget to hydrate during your workouts"


Do we really think that Johannes Vingegaard is receiving these stupid messages - "Well done Johannes - you really nailed it today!" I don't think so - meaning as far as Strava is concerned - we, not pro riders with a Strava account, are mere underlings, things that Strava can play with... have a laugh at. It's naff PR. The real underlings are the muppets that came up with these 'motivational' messages in the first place! If Strava is (?) genuinely conerned about its community, then they need to find a solution to this situation.

Johannes probably wouldn't have done as well without Strava's constant patronization 


I never asked for this. We're not 7 years old. Turn it off please Strava!


I generally log an average of about 2 activities per day, sometimes up to 4 or 5 depending on what I am doing.  These messages are coming in with each one.  It is really annoying to get a message on the 3rd activity of the day that makes it sound like I am just uploading my first activity in a month.  I could see something if there was some significance to it, like it being the first activity after a long absence, or maybe a significantly longer/harder activity than average, but getting a message like this for each and every upload is ridiculous. 


I can only re-iterate what most of the other contributors have already said about these 'motivational' messages. If Strava are going to have them - then please provide users with the option to disable them - this way you'll know if they're a popular thing or not. Sounds like a sensible compromise.

Mt. Kenya

Please. Needs an option to turn it off. It's not helpful.

I have disabled all notifications as the only way to filter our the strava cheerleader bot saying "👍 Well done!" after every ride.

Mt. Kenya

This new motivational comment are awfully childish. If not included in non-premium I would consider a downgrade!

Mt. Kenya

Another one who hates these patronising bot messages but who would like to retain a few selected notifications.  But I hate these more than I like the selected notifications, so feel I will have to disable all notifications to avoid these.