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Unwanted pictures in my Strava feed


Suddenly I'm getting lots of pictures in my feed from people I do not follow. Seems to be coming from clubs I am a member of. Almost exclusively pictures of bikes. Some days so many that it feels like real spam. Is there a way to filter these out or is quitting the clubs my only options?


Moderator Moderator

Hello All:

Apologies for any confusion over this recent change.

Club posts made by club members will now appear in the Home feed for all club members.

As a couple of you have already mentioned, If you do not want to see posts from a specific club in your feed, you can follow these steps:

1. Open the Strava mobile app.
2. Locate a post from the relevant club in your Home feed and tap the three-dot icon.
3. Select the option to “Mute Posts From Club Members”.

You may need to pull down on your feed to refresh it before the posts are hidden. Be aware that you will still see posts from the club admins in your feed.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

View solution in original post


Thanks @Joan 

Definitely let us know if you continue to have this issue.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

I have this issue....just started today.  The main source seems to be the Wilier Club. Turn this stuid feature off. If you want to start this sort of thing do it with an "Opt In" if you want it.

Hi @DerekJ,

I'm no Strava employee or moderator, but asking the Strava Instant bot on the Strava Support page told me to click the three dots on an unwanted post to bring up an option to hide all posts not made by admins or owners. It only works on mobile in my experience, but it solves the issue. You may need to reload the feed after you mute the notifications.

I'm hoping this helps you and others 🙂


Hi @Jane 

As of 24 Apr, I was.  That was 3 days after your saying "experiment has been turned off".

I left my last club in which members were making single picture only posts then.

Let's try this.  I will re-join 2 clubs that I had left due to 'Instagramish posts' on dashboard.  We'll see what happens

Hi @Jane

2 days passed since I re-joined 2 clubs.

12 and 7 user posts in each club after I joined, but none on my dashboard.

Not sure leaving and re-joining was the cure or it just needed some more time. 🤔


Hi @Joan 

Great to hear!  Thank you for letting us know.

Jane (she/her)
STRAVA | Community Hub Team

In the past couple of days, I noticed that I get notifications whenever someone posts to any of the clubs I joined. It's happening both on the web and mobile app.
It's a complete mess - having joined over 20 clubs, and for every one of them, I keep getting those useless notifications.

Tried to go through the settings and find a way to disable these notifications - but there is no option!

Wait, this is intended behavior? You can't be serious. I had to leave several clubs to avoid having my feed spammed with content from random people I'm not interested in.

I was sure that this had to be a bug. If this can't be deactivated I won't return to those clubs. Please fix this as soon as possible.

We’re in the process of testing the experience of surfacing club member posts in the home feed.

Are you collecting feedback about this test? Here's mine: the experience SUCKS. Please make this optional. I follow very few groups and even then the club posts are overwhelming people's activities. (I've unfollowed them now / blocked some spammy people, but that should not be the only solution to this!!!)

Thanks for reading. 😶

Strava never cared about User Experience. If they have such team, that would be the most miserable team to work in, since their opinions constantly get ignored and crushed.