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I am getting old and want to reset my PRs



Let's face the facts: I am getting older. This year has been a very tough year seeing me going thru a rough patch. So bad I had to hang up my bike for months not knowing when I'll be back on wheels, and even if I'd be able to do so. 

Anyways now I am back but when I am seeing my PRs, I know for a fact I will never be able to better them. 

Is there a way to reset all my PRs on all segments? Ideally choosing a date, say "forget all PRs set before December 1st, 2022". I read people saying to just create a new account, well it is a bit extreme because I still want to keep the statistics for distances I rode. 



Getting older doesn't mean you can't ever beat any of your old PRs. I'm 61 and have set 607 new PRs so far in 2022. Use those old records to keep yourself motivated. 

I’m coming back from a cardiac arrest at the age of 63. The biggest demotivator are my old records. With tha amount of damage to my heart I will never get back to my old pbs but would love to start again, without losing what I’ve done before

As we age our maximum heartrate invariably decreases.  The formula is (220 - Age in years). Although regular exercise can keep our max heartrate above average, it is still going to decline. At 61, your theoretical max is 159. With a lot of training, yours may be say, 170. Someone who is 72 has a theoretical max of 148.  He would go anaerobic at about 126,  A maximum sustainable HR of 126 will seriously impair your ability to set new PRs.

The 220-age formula is worthless. I'm 61 and my Max HR is 185. I did a 2 hour race a few months ago and was able to hold a sustained effort at 160 for the entire time. 

Thought about you Chris yesterday when I was struggling to try to keep up a decent rhythm. Ended up about 12 minutes above my 45 minutes PR on that particular segment. 

I spent 3 years dealing with some pretty serious health issues between 2019 and 2021. I rode quite a bit during these years, but I was not able to push myself as hard as I wanted to. I finally managed to get myself healthy again in 2022, and I've had one of my best years ever on the bike. I did a lot of racing this year, and beat a whole bunch of guys half my age. Keep pushing yourself!

Back in October 2022, I wrote you "But if I ever will break one I'll let you know". Well, here I am, at the beginning of this year I smashed a couple of PRs that I never thought I would be able to do. A small miracle. Those were on flat roads, on climbs no way, I am definitely not able but I never was a climber. 

Good on you, Chris, but as far as I am concerned let's say that this year I had medical issues that are making beating old PRs look like a miracle. 

But if I ever will break one I'll let you know. 😀