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Pico de Orizaba

Hi Strava and the Strava Community. 

This may have happened to you, you have put your best effort in to gain a KOM or QOM only to find that you are second, but second to someone who was assisted in some way. We all know how E-Bikes now have their own category as the purists who use completely human power to get their achievements didn't want to share a results table with those with assistance. 

I know how you feel, well imagine that you have no lost your KOM/QOM to a runner or cyclist who has DOG POWER pulling them along. These dogs can get runners around 5km in times that only Mo Farah can dream about, we have broken the 13 minute barrier for 5km at Parkrun. On the bikes they can be even quicker and also cross country and uphills see substantially quicker times due to the dog assistance. 

We only ask for 3 new sub categories to be created under the Run category a sub group of CaniCross, under bike 2 new categories, CaniBike and CaniScoot. Each will have the same features as the normal, but it allows our times and KOMs to be recorded separately and not skewing the pure results, ParkRun enabled this facility to list run as assisted, can STRAVA do the same. 

I have asked this of Strava many times, its top of a suggestions list on the Strava support page with 50% more votes than the second suggestion.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you can support this feature request and allow the good times to roll again without these **bleep** dogs skewing your results.

Tight lines and Hike On.

Status changed to: Open To Voting

I apparently have a similar problem according to the mods, but I disagree. Merely having a different activity type would not cut it for me, as it is not always the same person running with the dog in my specific case, and I gain no advantage from my dog, as I'm not a CaniCrosser. For me running with the dog means having to make toilet stops at random times, battle with it, as it tries to go its seperate way, tugs on the leash, ... when I attack a KOM, the dog stays at home.


Anyway, here's my original:

"My partner and I like taking our dog out for a run. As both of us are Strava users, we've decided to create a Strava profile for the dog to track its activity (so we don't overtrain the poor thing!). So now each time we run with it, we add it to our activity as "someone who didn't record". This way it's also kept off segment leaderboards. However, it is sort of tedious having to log out, log into dog's profile, etc, just to accept the activity invite. Would it be possible to have a special profile type e.g. "pet" or similar, which would allow its owners to freely add the pet's involvment to activities? Kinda like child profiles on Google, where the parents can have control over it if they so choose. Or this could also be implemented as sort-of shared equipment, with individually logged activities, i.e. one could filter the activities to those, where the dog was present, and it would show-up in the activity summary etc. Additionally this same dog could be "shared" among users so that e.g. my partner and I could both log activities with the same dog."

Mt. Kenya

 🐺🏃‍♂️Canicross please

Mt. Kenya

Please add the cani- activities. Completely different than the main categories, and if you are participating in canicross official activities, makes tracking easier. Thanks!!


My idea is to simply add a "Dog Tag" option for any activities. Simply adding a tag to your run that would allow you to search/filter for associated activities would be incredibly helpful. Today I can search for runs where I add "dog" to the text but a tag would give additional functionality like, what is my dogs mileage last week compared to this? etc.

Mt. Kenya

I want to be able to exclude runs with my dog from my segments and PRs because they are faster! And/or way slower and it throws off my trend lines. But I still want it to count as miles run for my goals. 


I'd love some dog tracking solution! (and what about burro racing?) 

Mt. Kenya

Yes please! Dog powered sports need their own categories.  I would love to be able to track my trail runs without dogs separately from my candy crush runs as I am much faster with the dogs pulling.

Mt. Kenya

yes sports with dogs are different and need a category please

Mt. Kenya

Canicross, please 🐾🏃‍♀️


As a canicrosser I'd entirely agree with this post. We urgently need Strava to implement these cani activities. It's frustrating for unaccompanied runners and equally frustrating for those of us who run canicross style. Cani sports are a huge thing worldwide now and it baffles me why these activities are still not being introduced by Strava.

Pico de Orizaba

Just wanted to add to my post and point out this KOM that I achieved last night.

It was Dog assisted, it was with my dog helping up the hill to gain a KOM and in the top ten is 3 people all dog assisted.

An also from last night was this 5th place on the list, and 6 of the top 10 are all dog assisted.
#Strava come on and wake up and let those that are assisted gain their own recognition and not steal titles from those that work hard to gain them.


Pico de Orizaba

CaniCross is the sport of running with your dog 🐕--🕺. Your dog actively assist you in your running, CaniCrossers with dogs can beat Mo Farah 5km time. we the CaniCross community wish to see CaniCross added as a option to the how a run is recorded. CaniCross has its own World Championships, but we also compete in normal running races (With organisers permission) and we wish to see our achievements recorded separately to the un assisted runners, stop stealing their rightly earned KOM's etc. 
We just want to be recognised and record our activities against our peers.CaniCross at the World ChampionshipsCaniCross at the World Championships

Pico de Orizaba

CaniBike with KhaosCaniBike with Khaos
CaniBike is the sport of Mountain Biking with your dog 🐕--🚲. Your dog actively assist you in your riding, CaniBikers with dogs can beat attain some very high speeds and this weekend I gained a KOM at an event. On the top ten was 3 dog assisted rides. I don't want to steal a KMO from a normal cyclist and in the same way none of us want to lose out to an e-bike, we just want to be recognised and be recognised as being fair.
I also got a 5th place on a list along with 5 other CaniBikers on the same list. So over half of the  rides on the list where assisted, little unfair methinks.

Mt. Kenya

Yes please! I also think this is super important as someone who runs unassisted as well as with my dogs to be able to differentiate between assisted vs unassisted paces/PRs etc… Strava please add this!!

Mt. Kenya

Yes please!