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Forum Posts

[KNOWN ISSUE] Problems creating Routes

UPDATE FROM STRAVA: We're aware of a technical issue that may impact some Athletes who are trying to create longer routes. Sincere apologies for this issue.  Our Team is working on a fix, and we will update this thread when we have more information. ...

Wurfy by Shkhara
  • 18 replies
  • 61 kudos

Resolved! Dark Mode !!

It's 2022 and most apps have Dark Mode nowadays. I know, it's weird to use Strava when not working out... But looking at the segments the night before to plan out the next run is a thing. Please make us literally lose less sleep when doing this, or w...

marcb by Shkhara
  • 8 replies
  • 136 kudos

Resolved! How to enter distances in metres on the Android app?

I'm using an indoor rower and want to enter the number of metres I've done in 10 minutes. I add a manual activity, choose "rowing", but the distance only gives me the option for miles or km. If I use km it only goes to one decimal place, which is no ...

Jade by Shkhara
  • 1 replies
  • 2 kudos

Resolved! Ride a segment but not in the list.

This morning we did a tour in Belgian Ardennes with our Cycling club.We did a 8 K long climb from La Roche to Samrėe.After syncing, I remarked that on some segments on this climb, I have no result, on others I have results. It's like I didn't passed ...

Resolved! Safety concern: time and location shared in feed

Hi thereStrava is awesome - nothing to add to that.However, I have certain security and privacy concerns with regards to the combination of location information (track) and the timing of said recorded track. The location information is an integral pa...

Benwoo by Mt. Kenya
  • 2 replies
  • 6 kudos

Resolved! Activity recording

There are many different activities that can be recorded on Strava but I've taken up Archery and cannot see that on the list provided.Is there any way this can be added or maybe and 'other' activity button so that you can enter what you have done man...

chappers by Mt. Kenya
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Resolved! Average speed is incorrect

Strava is displaying a far more slower average speed than it actually is. On a 5km 32 minutes run it shows an average speed of 6.2 km/hr. This should be 9.4 km/hr

Map type

I takes two tries when I edit an activity to change the map type.   Why?

Tlab by Mt. Kenya
  • 4 replies
  • 2 kudos

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