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Forum Posts

Resolved! (RESOLVED) Heat Map Not Updating

My ride this evening does not appear on my personal heat map.   Following the recommendation from other forum posts, I changed the activity to something else (Badminton) and then back to Ride.  It still doesn't appear on my heat map. https://www.stra...

Krahling by Mt. Kenya
  • 74 replies
  • 221 kudos

[KNOWN ISSUE] Problems creating Routes

UPDATE FROM STRAVA: We're aware of a technical issue that may impact some Athletes who are trying to create longer routes. Sincere apologies for this issue.  Our Team is working on a fix, and we will update this thread when we have more information. ...

Wurfy by Shkhara
  • 20 replies
  • 65 kudos

Resolved! E-bike mileage

I'm new to this site so apologies in advance if I'm unfamiliar with itI have regular bike and e-bikes. I want both to count towards my annual goals (time and distance). I've been Googling for whether e-bike rides count, most replies suggest they do c...

doogle66 by Shkhara
  • 19 replies
  • 96 kudos

Strava Power goals not achieved

Hello,This isn't a huge deal but for some reason, the power goals I set on the desktop Strava (I don't know if this is available on the app) don't seem to be achieved. However, my power curve shows that the goal has been met. Any idea why this is hap...

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Resolved! No Elevation Gain from Treadmill shows up...

Hi there hope you can help me out, i use a nordictrack incline treadmill (xi7)  for my special keyunits like hiking intervalls or hike /run intervalls and stuff like that. Everything was fine since 2 weeks. I uploaded the tcx.file like weeks and mont...

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Resolved! Has the design of the profile page deliberately changed ?

On my profile page there used to be a tab for KOMs/CRs and one for "Top 10s" (actually for positions 2 to 10).  I could then filter the KOMs/CRs to see, for example, just bike rides (my main focus).  However, when I look now there seems to be no way ...

Ian by Elbrus
  • 6 replies
  • 1 kudos

Resolved! More categories

Old topic about not enought categories in bicycles. I put a lot of effort but every day I lost QOMs due to gravels. I have MTB. I lose my motyvation as well ..

Resolved! Non capisco una cosa..../I don't understand one thing...

Salve a tutti. È da poco che uso questa ottima app. Va tutto bene ma non capisco perché nel valore delle calorie consumate mi da più del doppio di altre app (Health) e quella del cellulare. Uso una cinghia per cardiofrequenzimetro col l'app di Strava...

Bianco by Mt. Kenya
  • 1 replies
  • 0 kudos

Resolved! Strava definitions and terms

Not sure where to post this but I have a simple query.I have been a Strava subscriber/member for a year or so. Strava is a hugely popular app with massive user following, and is both intuitive and highly complex.But I cannot find a section on basic t...

dchass by Shkhara
  • 10 replies
  • 7 kudos

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