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Forum Posts

[KNOWN ISSUE] Problems creating Routes

UPDATE FROM STRAVA: We're aware of a technical issue that may impact some Athletes who are trying to create longer routes. Sincere apologies for this issue.  Our Team is working on a fix, and we will update this thread when we have more information. ...

Wurfy by Shkhara
  • 18 replies
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Resolved! Downloaded maps on the iOS app

A recent iOS app update seems to have made it harder to manage my downloaded route maps.Previously in Maps > Saved > Saved Routes, I could see which routes were downloaded via a small icon against each listed route. You could also download them from ...

Resolved! Segments based on equipment

New to the forum, apologies if this has been asked and addressed already. As a cyclist there are lots of segments around and they're a great goal to aim for. However with cycling would it be possible for segments to be separated, so those on MTB, Gra...

CZ by Mt. Kenya
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Resolved! Speed and map at the same time

Dear StravaPlease make it possible to see speed, duration etc. at the same time as the map. You've already designed it, it's the pause screen.Thanks for an otherwise great app CheersRasmus

Rasmus by Mt. Kenya
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Resolved! Flyby Viewer link not showing on activities page

For some reason the View Flyby link on my actvities page has not been displayed for the past couple weeks. It had been working fine previously. Even when I set ALL my privacy settings to "Everyone" including the Flybys privacy setting, it's not showi...

Daluke by Mt. Kenya
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Resolved! flag for wrong gender

Hi! I am quite tired of flagging men on the leaderboard who register their gender as woman and get cups and QoMs... it would be great if:- there is an additional flag option indicating "wrong gender type".- when you register with a common male name b...

Creating routes with segments

When creating long routes 300+ km not all segments are shown. I understand the reason for this due to the huge amount of segments. But would be great if the stared segments are prioritized. Otherwise they will not be loaded as part of the route to my...

NADH by Shkhara
  • 8 replies
  • 4 kudos

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